Two weeks after Cip gave birth to Farhad, suami Cip berangkat ke Mekah untuk tunaikan umrah. Before he decided to go there, he was asking me whether he should go or not and Cip during that time tgh pregnant tujuh bulan thougt, 'why not'. Walaupun tau masa tu most probably Cip dalam pantang. Perkara baik, tak perlu tangguh. And Cip percaya Cip will be okay during that two weeks hsband Cip tak da. Owh rupenye it was very challenging in deed bila your husband is not with you.
Susah nak explain the loneliness you felt bila dia takda di sisi but knowing he is doing ibadah, cuba cekalkan jiwa. Cip tak sangka yang bila lepas deliver you're an emotional wreck. You could cry, smile and laugh at anytime just like that. Padahal Cip masa tu stay dekat rumah papa Cip. Okay mungkin a bit sedey sbb Cip dah takda ibu nak jaga masa dalam pantang. Cip ada rasa sedikit envy jugak pada mereka yang masih ada emak yang dapat jaga ibu baru lepas bersalin ni. Emosi tak tentu masa that is why support system is very important during confinement. Suami - suami, please give your full attention to your wife. They need it. Fragile and vulnerable sangat perasaan dorg. Layan la mereka macam permaisuri. Itu yang terbaik. *my two cents.
When Cip discuss this matter dengan husband Cip, I have to admit to him that next baby (insyallah) I will definitely need him to be with me all the time. I need his support, care and love at least the first few weeks of confinement. Cip hari tu pun perasan yang genap dua bulan berpantang, baru emosi finally stabil. Bayangkan tengok video clip beribu sesalan nyanyian jaclyn victor, ning dgn shilla hamzah pun meleleh ayaq mata. Heh¡
Now, I can say that everytime bila husband Cip even balik keje lambat pun Cip dah rindu teruk teruk. That awful feeling when he is not around.. It's killing me. Tapi once dia balik je keje, Farhad terus takmo dah ngan Cip. Nak melekat je dengan ayah dia. Ayah dia buat apa pun terkekek - kekek ketawa mcm kelakor bebenor. The same thimg la bila Farhad nampak Farreal. Ape je abg dia buat.. Seme kelakor pada dia.
Cip harap kasih sayang kami will always blooming.. (okay dh start jiwang.. Iyewww) :D
P palang s: two is better than one.