Oct 7, 2011

Piece of my mind

Funny pulak layan tengok Keeping Up With The Kardashian tengah-tengah malam  mcm ni. Cip tak boleh tido sebabnya petang tadi udah tertidur agak lama for a few hours. Heavy headache tak terbendung rasanya. Itu pun ambik masa lama gak nak fall asleep tu. 

Cip rindu nk pegi kedai buku.. Kedai buku yang besar mcm MPH dkat OU & Midvalley ataupun Kinokuniya di KLCC.. Puas hati. Tapi lebih puas hati dekat MPH. BORDERS not bad jugak tapi Cip prefer MPH lagi. 

Ada beberapa perkara yang mengecewakan Cip lately. Betul-betul kecewa. Tapi tak boleh lah Cip nak ceritakannya satu persatu kat sini. Tak berapa nak sesuai. Cip cuma nak express rasa kekecewaan tu je la. Perkara-perkara sebegini mmg sentiasa berlaku every now and then. Doesn't mean we have to just give up, kan? Life just have to go on whether you like it or not. Cip pun tak da lah fikir teruk-teruk sangat sebab things that had happened is beyond my control. So, kalau difikir-fikirkan lagi akan jadi underlying stress le jawabnya. We'll see how it goes. Cip cuma berharap for the best in the end. *cross finger

November is just around the corner kan? Ehehehhee... Rasa mcm dekat sangat dah.. :D I am talking about the release of the new Twilight Saga movie Breaking Dawn Part I. I just can't stop talking about it. I do.. Tak seteruk macam last time la tapinya sebab Cip masih belum lagi re-read the novel buat ke duakalinya.. 

Masih ada buku yang Cip tak habis baca lagi.. It melts my heart every time I walked into the room where all my books is being kept in. That is the main reason why I don't always go into that room because I feel very guilty when I don't even pick one of them. I only stared from a far. ~haa~ I have my excuses. There this one book by Alexandra Potter that I haven't finished reading yet. Setiap kali baca pun dapat la dalam selai dua je..  Need to keep it up..

OKay let me end tonight post with this quote by the late Steve Job when he was interviewed by Business Week in 1998

"Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."

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